Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What have we been up to?

It's been over 5 weeks from the wedding. Where does time go? I know now that the wedding is and will continue to be a specific point of reference in our life. Example: When did we take that trip? Oh yes, it was 2 years after the wedding, etc. One of the other life events that will take precedence over the wedding will be whenever we have children--which isn't happening right now, much to the dismay of one of my sisters.

We are trying to figure out our routines and make my house that I had before we were married, our house. I know I sound like a broken record, but I've been decluttering, etc. We are trying to get our schedules straight, spend time together, and just be newlyweds. It was hard for me to get back into the routine of work after being gone for a honeymoon for the entire week because as soon as I came back, we had snow days! It really threw off my schedule, but now we have had 3 weeks of school where we have gone all 5 days.

I'm working on finding new food items to cook, decorating the house in a way that we both like, not just my stuff with some pictures of my husband thrown in. :) If you have any favorite meals that are easy and yummy, please share! I am also looking for slow cooker meals, since we have a fabulous new slow cooker and I have yet to use it!

I haven't blogged about our honeymoon, which I will do. I do want to show you one of the biggest things I worked on over our 3 snow days when we had 8+ inches of snow, which is unheard of in central Arkansas. When Micah came home, he was shocked! He said, "Look how huge our house is when all the extra stuff is out of the way!" He is such a sweetheart to put up with me and my pack-rat ways. :) Now, I do not share these photos with you for you to pass judgement. If you have negative comments, keep moving. However, I do share them with you to show off my hard work and to let people know that it can be done. I worked super hard and I am pleased to report that the master bedroom is staying clean! It's just how we want it to be!

Now for some background with the room--I had moved all sorts of stuff in there and the couple of weeks before the wedding the room seemed to explode with the amount of stuff in there. This was by far the worst the room has ever looked.

I can't believe I'm sharing this!
Oh the horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This last one is absolutely horrible!!!!!!


This is my new prayer desk. I'm going to 'give up' the snooze button during Lent and I hope that it's going to lead me to more prayer time at my new prayer desk.

I'm so proud of my hard work! I'm going to tackle the other rooms in the house. We worked on the outside of the house about 3 weeks ago. Micah floored out the rest of the attic so we have more room up there and then we cleaned out the gutters. I use the term we lightly because Micah did most of the work. He climbed up on the 8 foot ladder and cleaned out the gutters that I've never cleaned out since I've lived here. I stood at the bottom of the ladder and kept it steady and talked to him so he wouldn't get bored.Then we had to take the hose and run water through the gutters to make sure nothing was clogged. Luckily, they were not. We cleaned off the back porch and swept some of the leaves of the roof and the house looks beautiful. This fall we will clean the gutters out again and it won't be half the chore it was this time!

So, little by little, the Fullertons are getting into the swing of this married life. It's amazing how different it can change your outlook on life. I used to want to make plans and fill up my life with all sorts of things so I always had something going on. Now, my  most favorite thing to do is spend a quiet evening with my husband and our little fur-baby, Bonnie

It really is the simple things in life that matter the most.

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